Friday 22 October 2010

Rough Draft

Here is the rough draft edit of our video. Obviously it isn't perfect but we will be spending time re filming parts and filming new shots. We shall create a list of edits and changes that need to be made so that we know exactly what needs to be done.

This is the location of my website: H:\Website

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Filming Finished

Today, Ash and I finished filming the footage that we will use for the verse parts of the song.

We went outside with a camera and tripod and got our female actor (Catherine). I set up the shots that we would need and directed Ash and Catherine as to what they needed to do. We choose a good time of day to do the filming as the sun was quite low in the sky which caused nice looking, long shadows and also gave the characters a good colour.

Again we filmed multiple shots and angles and made sure to use a number of takes to eliminate any problems that may be caused.

We then came to the argument scene where Ash and Catherine had to pretend to have a fight. They acted very well and the shot looked very good. Once this was done we went inside to film the remaining scenes, including a close up of a mobile phone that we would use as an insert.

We after filming all of the parts, Ash and I returned to the computer room where we again captured the footage ready to edit it all together.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Filming Started

Today, Ash and I started filming the footage that we will use for the chorus parts of the song.

We went to the empty classroom that we decided we were going to use and set up the camera, tripod and lighting as we wanted it. We did run into a problem with our camera as we had trouble finding where to set the white balance, although we did eventually sort it out.

I had brought a microphone with me to pretend to sing into to make the video look more professional, as if I had just stood there singing then it would probably have looked strange.

Ash used the camera and I acted, and we filmed a number of shots from multiple angles so that we could edit them together so it wouldn't be boring. We also took 3 takes for each angle in case any of any problems. This meant that we had backup takes that we could use if there were camera movements of problems with the footage.

We eventually finished filming all of the chorus footage and went back to the computer room to capture the footage so that we could edit it at a later date.